Herding Unwilling Cats
I'm getting really frustrated with coven people. It's really hard to get an answer out of anyone. We (Amaranthea and I) proposed to the group that we might want to make Lady Incendia an arbor for Natale, and we asked each person to contribute ideas of what they would like to see on the arch itself insofar as decorations/sigils/symbols/etc.
Everyone was given a deadline of December 5th to get this into me. No one did. Not even Amareanthea, who that Thursday emailed me that she was going to be doing the sketches for her ideas and scan them to me.
So I sent out an e-mail yesterday reminding everyone that the sketches and ideas needed to be into me on the 5th. The only one who's responded back was Rubesca, who said she was sick and hadn't had a chance to work on it. Now, I know she's not been sick since our last meeting, so it's just a bad excuse. She's had almost a month to work on something, which I even told people could include just a listing of images and ideas they'd like to see on the arbor.
Corvus hasn't responded to any of my e-mails. He said he was going to try to get hold of Don Draconus. I have not heard from him yet as to whether or not he has done this.
Pantera doesn't respond to any e-mails unless they are pointedly directed at her. She doesn't often respond to e-mails that are sent to the group.
And Kelin just doesn't seem to be too concerned. She's going to classes, and participating in ritual, but I'm convinced she's doing this because her mom has her doing it. She doesn't have a lot of "participation" logged -- she never responds to e-mails asking for ideas. She tends to "coattail" on Mom, mostly due to Mom's attitude. Kelin didn't give me money for the arbor - Amaranthea gave me for her and Kelin. And while Kelin gives a unique view - a more innocent view - on what we're studying, I honestly don't get the vibe from her that her energy's really into it. She's squishing coven work in between socializing and school and SAT's and whatnot. I think she's too distracted to really focus on what's going on. Which is a shame, because she's a good artist and I think she'd have a lot of good ideas to contribute to the group. She just doesn't volunteer them because mom will be there to lend her input.
I think part of the problem is that the bulk of the group will only get motivated if the request comes from Lady Incendia. Even Amaranthea, with her bearish grip on the group (who, at times, seem afraid that they will upset her -- fragile ego that she has and all that) can't get them motivated to get going on the project.
It's going to end up being my designwork, incorporating some of Amaranthea's ideas, and ultimately have Lady Incendia's input... but paid for from the group. Their energy isn't in this farther than writing a check. And I think that's really wrong.
This is supposed to be a present for our High Priestess. If they can't drum up enough energy to sit down and think "Hrm, what do I think would be appropriate for the arch" for *HER*... then I don't know how to motivate them.