Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Of COURSE I'm Magenta!

You are Magenta... (Patricia Quinn) damn you're cool
You are Magenta. The lip gloss that sank the

Which Rocky Horror character are you?
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I love it when a plan comes together

Between the last New moon and the most recent Full Moon, I did some energy work for a good friend of mine. He's been pretty lonely of late and has decided that he needs a woman in his life. He had his eye on this girl at work. Unfortunately she has a boyfriend. He asked me to get my "witchy jiggy" on, break them up, so that she could be his all his *muhahahah*


I did not do a working to break someone up. Even though I think she's a flake and this guy's really bad for her (current guy, not my dear friend). Instead I asked the universe to bring someone into my friend's life that would be very good for him. That she should share many of his interests - so that he'd have someone to go diving with, biking with, walk the dogs with, etc. She had to like animals, and be okay with the geekier parts of his personality.

I asked the universe that if the girl he had his eye on was the one he should be with now, that the universe take the steps it needed to to ensure that she left the bad guy she was with. If there was someone better, I asked the universe to bring this woman into his life (SOON) and make him realize that she was the one for him right now.

So he's been bitching about the fact that the girl at work's still flirting with him - it's been ramped up - but she's still with the guy.

Come to find out today that he met a girl a few days after I did my meditation for him. He got her number. They went out last night. She loves scuba diving, has been doing it for 10 years. She loves animals. She's liberal. And she does research on turtles. And she's cute. And she gave him a hug goodnight. And he's trying to figure out how long to wait to ask her out again.

Egads, I love it when things work.

Come to ALSO find out that around the same time another girl he was eyeing handed him her number and said for him to call her.

So he's happy. Even though the chick at work isn't away from the dork she's dating, he's got some other opportunities that he's pursuing.