Energy in Lake Wales
This weekend I was invited to go to Bok Tower in Lake Wales with Lady Bridget and her group. I'd never been before, and she says she goes each year. I haven't had much time outdoors of late, and it would be a chance to spend some time with Lady Bridget, who I love to death.
We got up there after a long, early morning drive. We had lunch, then wandered towards the tower. It's HUGE. It's BEAUTIFUL. It's so full of energy!!! It's a very grounding experience. We wandered about the area around the tower before settling down on the lawn. As I sat down, I felt the lower half of my body sink into the ground. I was afraid that if I laid down on the ground, I'd sink so deep that it would nearly impossible to get up. And the air smelled crisp, and carried with it the scent of orange blossoms.
After meditating on the grounds for a little bit, we set off to explore the grounds. You can find pictures that I took ->in this album<-
I can't even begin to vocalize all the wonderful things we saw and experienced while we were there. It felt like renewed earth energy. The area was really hit hard by the recent hurricanes, so much of the canopy was gone and parts of the trails were blocked off for safety. Trees were hurt, plants were missing.
But things are growing back. Even after such a devistating series of events, nature shows us that, given time, it will rebuild itself. It might not be exactly what it was before the hurricanes, but it will be what it is now meant to be. Nothing is so devistating that we cannot come back after it. We might not be the same person, but we will be who we are meant to be.
There was a sense of loss there. But there was also the energy of rebirth. There was a "just give us a little bit and we'll be better" energy rounding through. We encountered a small oak grove that had some of that weak "we're trying to get back to normal" energy. We all stopped, joined hands, and gave what energy we could back to the earth and trees around us.
But for someone who didn't know it before the storms, I still thought it was very beautiful, very tranquil, very grounding. I've been having some hard times getting in touch with the grounding energies, but on this trip, it was very easy. And I've been trying to tap into what it felt like over the last few days, to remember how to get in touch with those strong earth energies, and how to give back to the earth as well.
Interesting, though, that I wasn't able to sense the earth energies really strong until I got in touch with the energy coming from the water that surrounds the Tower. It was from the circling energy of the water around the Tower that the earth energies came through to me. I guess it's because I'm more able to attune to water of late. But once that connection was made, I didn't need to go through the Water energies to get to Earth again.
It was also really interesting to just feel the energy swirling around you. When the bells played, you could see the ripples of energy coming down the tower, spreading out in all directions. Higher notes seemed to spiral down, while the deeper tones rained down in cascading waves. You could feel the energies moving through the air and ground. And you could sense the spider webbing of energies leaving (or coming to) the tower from other areas. The tower is a nexus of ley lines, and you could really sense the powerful energies at play.
Who'd have thunk it. All in the middle of Florida. Especially in the middle of Lake Wales.