Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Dream Thoughts

I've been thinking about Amaranthea's dreams, and I'm thinking that she might not have gotten the full message that Shadow was trying to give her.

Her dreams were filled with images of home - that feeling of home from long ago. They have digging into the ground - both in regards to the actual digging and with the basement. And they have new beginnings - with the new kittens that appeared in her dreams.

I think that the "digging" and basements would indicate the Underworld. They would indicate death and passings. But it was death at home.

I believe that Shadow might have been trying to tell her that she was home, that he would always be with her, but that he had to move on to allow new energy to come into her life. I still think it's very sad that she had to put him down, and I definately played with my kitties last night an awful lot.


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