Sunday, March 20, 2005

Happy Spring Equinox!

Today's the Spring Equinox, Ostara to some, Primavera to others. On this day, when day and night are equal, we celebrate the duality of nature. We rejoice in the maturity of the young Sun God. We see the first shoots of new growth all around us. Energy is building as the days grow longer and warmer. Those seeds we planted in the darkness of winter are starting to pierce the ground, basking in the light of the Sun.

For Strega, this is also the time when the Goddess has finished Her ascent from the Underworld. This is the last of the God holidays. The Goddess shall start Her reign with the next Treguenda.

Spring used to be really easy for me to see when I lived up north. It really *was* the time that everything was piercing through the ground and starting to thrive. Down here in FL, the days are getting really warm. We're at a really good place in our growing season. Just about any seed you toss on the ground will sprout. We're not quite at the days when you have to water two and three times a day to make sure things survive the harshness of summer.

But I'm starting to get more aclimated to the FL seasons, and, with that, aclimated to the energies at play. I can feel the draw to be creative and grow at this time of year. It's not too hot to spend the day outside yet. And the nights are still pretty mild - you can head down to the beach, lie on the sand, and watch the moonlight dance on the ocean waters. Of course, you'd not go INTO the water -- it's too frackin' cold! ;)

I spent this weekend in quiet contemplation with my coven. We had our divination class last night, watched Ninth Gate after class (it was way too late for me - I fell asleep. Please don't tell me how it ends!! I'll be renting it this week!). This morning, we sat in circle space out in the covenstead (backyard of our HPS is where we've set up a permanent temple space), meditated on Spring and what we'd like to grow in our lives. Then, we decorated clay pots, inscribing them with runes and sigils, and planted flowers that we will tend as we make the steps in our lives to bring what we'd like into fruition.

It was really very nice to spend time with everyone. There was a little tension earlier on in the evening on Saturday, but by Sunday morning, it seemed to have been slept off.

And, of course, as always happens when we're in temple space during the day, I am amazingly well sunburnt!!! :)


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