Recaps and Musings
It's been a little bit since I've sat down and put finger to keyboard to make an entry in the blogger. I've been half-assed posting to the livejournal of late, because I've got friends who read that, and well, I really haven't been feeling that "magickal touch" of late.
And it's not really from lack of trying. But I've been so mired down in very mundane aspects of life - work, cats, more work....
I haven't really given too much thought to subjects of spirituality of late. I mean, I have been, but I haven't been. It's really a motivation issue. I've been so focused on getting the cats to feel better that I really haven't focused on myself.
Romeo had an eye issue. To the point where he wouldn't let you touch his face. And he wouldn't open his eye. Luckily, we had a vet appointment the next day so he got checked out immediately. The girls got rabies vaccines, and we went home. After three days of anti-biotics and eye goo, his eye looks fine. But in that time, I didn't notice Sammy having her reaction to the rabies shot. I thought she was simply watching after Romeo (we've been calling her "Mom" of late, as she takes care of everyone), but once he was back and bouncy, she was really lethargic and sore to the touch. Looks like the rabies shot didn't disappate into her muscle the way it should've, and she's been sore all week. So I've been worried about her to the point where I'm coming home right from work and spending time with her, rather than doing the half a million other things I should be doing, like working out.
I've been in definate "mommy mode" the last two weeks. Taking care of my cats and my employees. But now Sammy's starting to get back to normal. She still has a big lump on her right hind leg muscle, but that looks like where they gave her the shot. She's starting to want to play, but it looks like she's hesitant to put too much strain on the muscle cause it still hurts. We even gave her one of Romeo's pain pills one of the nights to make her able to sleep.
So, now I'm back into more spiritual mode, now that it looks like everyone's leveling out fine. I've got my stuff packed to go to Curves tonight, so I can get into that zen meditative state that I used to be addicted to. And I can start to use the CD I just picked up to do more meditations. And I've straightned up the altar area, and even left an offering for the lares the other night. I really needed their help in fixing my kids.
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