Friday, December 17, 2004

Jesus, Save me from your followers

Oh sweet jesus.... your followers.... they make my head hurt

There are some Creationists who don't make my head hurt incredibly. They can talk about their theory, and understand the flaws and holes. Of course, I know that evolution has flaws and holes, too.

But not ones you can drive whole planets through.

He says that scientists discredit creationism because evolutionists don't like their facts. But isn't that what he's doing here? He cites incidents that occur, but give no facts to support them.

He says that human footprints and remains were found next to dinosaur bones. But he doesn't say where that was, or when the find was made, or if scientists had carbon dated the bones to say that they traced back to the same timeframe.

I understand that Creationism requires a leap of faith. But beliving in Evolutionism doesn't mean that you don't believe that the God and Goddess had a hand in the evolution of our planet. But discounting scientific belief because it doesn't jive with the Bible is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Creationism and Evolution are not mutually exclusive. There's a driving force in the universe that is rushing us forward, causing us to evolve. That force is the spark of the Divine in each of us. Yet that spark is still limited in its power to evolve due to our physical nature. It helps us to evolve into what we are meant to be, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically.


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