Friday, December 03, 2004

Mythic Thoughts

I've subscribed to the "Daily Arrows" portion of the Myth and Culture website an old friend of mine runs. I'm not sure if she even remembers me or not. She was such a big part of my growth and answer-finding a few years ago. She ran a Stregheria board that I participated on, and we slowly went chapter by chapter through some of Grimasi's works.

She's such an amazing fount of information. I can't even believe that one person could know all that much. She's got some amazing insights, and I really enjoy reading her writings.

I wonder if she remembers me. We used to compare jenga to how to build upon the foundation of beliefs. You can't muck around too much with the foundation, or else the whole thing tumbles down around you. I can understand that. If you worship at the buffet of belief, I think you're just spinning in circles. You end up with beliefs that don't jive, or images of deity that don't work together. You'd end up frustrated when things don't work, or when you realize that your beliefs contradict themselves.

That's what I really like about Stregheria. You have a firm basis upon which to build your beliefs. It's the firmness that I like. There's structure, and a sense that what you're working with wasn't just made up last week. There's a comfort in saying the words that Strega have said for hundreds of years. There's a quiet calmness in the structure of ritual. It's almost akin to the building of a house. You build the foundation, then the walls. Then you work on the interiors. You would never pour the concrete slab, then set up your living room, and then drywall around it.


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